20 Nisan 2022
Her ne kadar sonuç alınmamış olsa da; 2004-2006 yıllarında bazı Rus milliyetçiler ve bunları desteklediğini söyleyen bazı üst düzey bürokratlar Adıgey Cumhuriyeti’nin Krasnodar Krayı ile birleştirilmesi, yani lağvedilmesi doğrultusunda bir kampanya başlatılmış, gelen tepkiler karşısında Viladimir Putin geri adım atmıştı.
30 Nisan 2021
1618, records on Armenians are initiated with "Armenian Martin", who was brought to the JAMESTOWN Colony in Virginia. In the following decades, other Armenians were invited to America to try silkworm breeding.
31 Ocak 2021
While conveying these to you, I will seek an answer to the point that needs to be emphasized and considered, the significance of the two rivals and even the enemy sovereign powers (USA-RUSSIA) not to engage in any conflict while continuing their activities on Armenians-Armenia ...
31 Aralık 2020
Simeon; "From Moldavia to Istanbul and from all Rumelia to the city of Venice, there is not a single city, a single village and a farm where there are no Armenians everywhere. Here, we are scattered like dust on the earth because of our sins that have multiplied as much as the sea. "
30 Kasım 2020
I wonder, SPINOZA; “If I know the truth and you are ignorant, it is a moral duty for me to change your thoughts and ways; It would be cruelty and selfishness to refrain from doing so, ”he probably did not say just as a word. Of course to those who understand ...
30 Kasım 2020
The strange thing is that the Armenian Diaspora has backed the imperialist powers despite their full knowledge of the events, and the Diaspora mind is still not able to comprehend how they are being used. In spite of all the facts, I do not know the LIES and JOKE OF "WE STAYED IN THE ASSEMBLY OF ESCAPING TO CYPRUS" how to believe it? Aristotle; “Don't fool yourself in vain; Didn't he say that "you are what you always do"?
31 Ekim 2020
Or the late Ara Güler, who is always called "World famous Turkish ERMENI photographer"... Words are not enough to describe it here... For him, the reaction, the lack of love, is "It is already difficult to be Armenian in Turkey" for the unconscious Armenians who only run behind the LIES OF THE DIASPORA, who participate in those CLOWNS!
30 Eylül 2020
I will now share the resources we will find answers to the alleged genocide of the Armenians, one of their greatest lies.
31 Ağustos 2020
What they lived with; Arabs, Plots, Avarlar, Byzantines, Caspians, Attiler, Huns, Hurri, Hayaqans, Isamass, Karamanians, Catalons, Kıpçaklar, Kıpçak Turks, Kimmers, Lezgiler, Medler, Mitannilar, Oguzlar, Uzbeks, Parts, Persians, Romans, Saklar, Sahurlar, Seljuks, Suvarlar, Tatromes, Tatars, Tastes, Turks, Udines, Urartular, what consequences will have consequences for future Armenian generations?
08 Ağustos 2020
When we move the issue from today to ancient times, from heavenly religions to mythology, we come face to face with the same truth. What the Armenians call our mythological gods should belong not only to Armenians, but also to the societies that lived in that region at the time.