30 Nisan 2021

Twenty articles of the endless lies, CHARLATANISMS, AND CLOWNS of diaspora Armenians, as I put it, were faithful to the sources and I wrote starting from the PAGAN period. I tried to explain that Armenians were thrown into different parts of the world, in which country, in what number, the reasons for their migration to those countries, and to draw attention to some claims by looking at theology, theology and mythology in the depths of history. Despite the efforts of the authors of late Antiquity, I have chronologically stated that armenian myth and much of its religion are still unknown or unsustainable due to the absence of comprehensive written evidence from THE ANCIENT ERA ITSELF and the incompetence of archaeological records."

Starting from the mythological period, I said that the armenians' claims to be the homeland and nation they have constructed are either untrue, their claims are full of shortcomings, distortions, or they have tried to hide between grievances in all periods of history. I underlined that the fact that the writers of Armenian history are clergymen, and that their transfers from antiquity are incompatible with historical facts, that they call the regions where they were found and settled later as Armenia. The existence of a church, synagogue, synagogue, patriarchate, monastery in one place does not make that land a country of societies bound by religious affiliations. Today, remember cities and countries from the bar of places of worship belonging to different religions... We face the same reality when we take the issue from the present to antiquity, from celestial religions to mythology. I stated that the gods that armenians called our mythological gods belonged not only to Armenians, but also to the communities that lived in that region at that time.

 Surely there is no nation in history that has not suffered. Like the so-called Armenian state rulers, it has been rare in history to deceive its own people. All Armenians should not be brought to mind from the statement of the ARMENIANS I used in the article about the despicable lies and false allegations that I used for the Armenians of DIASPORA, all of which are based on historical sources, and armenians who do not participate in these LIES and are not used as tongs should be kept separate. It is the necessity of being human that we respect the world of faith of the person, regardless of religion or origin. Therefore, I said that it should be well known that I do not accuse every Armenian member of LYING-CLOWNING.

Armenians who try to take part in the claims of the human generation that has survived to the present day to bind them to noah's children do not take into account the existence of Adam, the long period of time that Noah lived after the flood, and do not want to see the truth. The Pagan period is the same as what Armenians experienced before Christianity, as were other nations. Starting from the mythological period, the idols and idols that nations and tribes worship as gods/goddesses, gods/ilahe, after all, are almost identical. Starting from the pagan period, religious beliefs developed in line with different relations, in line with the understandings of the state, people and nations, but the result was inevitable that they would be affected by each other. No nation other than the Armenians has denied where it came from, why they were affected. Armenians have always forgotten that their beliefs were influenced by Sumerian, Hittite, Arab, European, Assyrian, Indian, Hebrew, Iranian, Roman, Greek and Urartu while persisting in all kinds of denials and LIES! We know again that you are not going to be able to do anything about it. Armenian names are not mentioned in The History and Civilizations of Pre-Asia (Mesopotamia), Anatolia (Hittite), Lydians, Mediterranean, Aegean, Ancient Greek, Roman, Near East, Far East (China-Hind).

While all these facts are in the spotlight, Armenians define every place where they live and emigrate as Armenia, and as if that was not enough, they are trying to seek refuge in the three hundred-year history of the Armenian Kingdom of Ciliya. While it was known why and how they came to that geography, they tried to ignore the communities that lived there and lived there in their own way. None of this is incompatible with reality. In these lands, whether they called the kingdom, the principality, the feudal structure, vassality or the state, they have always lived as a minority alongside other peoples who are real. They have always tried to obscure the fact that the Caucasus and Kilica Armenian Kingdoms, Partians, Sassanids, Umayyads, Romans, Arabs, Seljuks, Mongols and Ottomans, which were named by Armenians and historians, came to this day with the concessions and LIES in their domination. Doesn't knowing the history of a society eliminate all negativity? If we do not know how the Parties appointed the Armenian Kingdom of the Parties in 58 A.D., the Roman Emperor Nero appointed the First Tyridate in 63 A.D., and who gave the kingdom to Axidares in 98 A.D., we will beat more water in this mood...

I will try to draw your attention to some of the claims that Armenians have been thrown into different parts of the world, in which country, in what number, the reasons for their migration to those countries, even if it is a little long, and I will try to draw your attention to some claims by looking at the depth of history, theology, theology and mythology, even if it is with the beginnings of the pen, and the countries that today know the populations and the so-called men's robbery in the countries where the men live. I've provided it to you.

If the genocide was completely destroyed by the so-called robbery of Armenians in the 1915 DEPORTATION, according to the inconsistent claims of armenians, did the Armenians who took the lives of 250,000 TURKS/MUSLIMS who died with ERMENI MASSACRES in the Eastern Anatolia Region between 1916 and 1922 descend from the sky with zembil?

In conveying these to you, I underlined that the main thing to consider is that the two rival or even hostile sovereign powers (US-RUSSIA) should be considered in all directions while continuing their activities on Armenians-Armenia, while not engaging in any conflict. I have written at length about the date on which armenians went to Cyprus, Russia and the United States, among other countries. I started writing about these three countries, not only because of their shortcomings, but also about a year before joe biden stated that he recognized the allegations of noble men, how much Armenians were involved in those dates. In this article, I tried to show that the NOBLE CLAIMS that THE MELTS were taken from anatolian lands during the 1915 DEPORTATION and that they were subjected to the so-called genocide were completely FALSE. Although I regret to see that those involved have never read it, and those who pretend to be interested are in the same line, I continued to write and I will...

Today, the troubled mind, which supports the so-called 1915 era, does not knowingly mention the relations and migration movements before that date.

For example, if you're going

1618, records on Armenians are initiated with "Armenian Martin", who was brought to the JAMESTOWN Colony in Virginia. In the following decades, other Armenians were invited to America to try silkworm breeding.

In 1780, the United States approached the Armenian issue for the first time in terms of its economic interests. Since the 1780s, the wealth and market quality of anatolian and Middle Eastern lands has attracted America.

In 1795, during the founding years of America, the OTTOMAN STATE and its states were a leading power in the world despite some negativity. Off the Spanish port of Cadic, the American merchant ship Maria was searched by algerian authorities, the province of the Ottoman Empire, but the captain resisted. The ship and its personnel were then confiscated and considered prisoners of war. Douphin and around 10 other ships were later taken prisoner. The issue discussed in the U.S. House of Representatives was the decision to prepare a navy and render the Algerian Navy inoperable, for which $688,000 was allocated to President George Washington. The new navy was defeated again despite fighting the Algerian Gentlemen's Ministry several times. With the Treaty between Algeria and America, it was decided to pay 640,000 DOLLARS and 12,000 Ottoman gold liras to the OTTOMAN STATE through the Algerian Gentleman's Office. The treaty was signed between President Washington and Uncle Hasan Pasha. This treaty was implemented until 1812. However, at this time, America, which saw the ottoman empire's troubles increase, began to pay the tax.

In the 1829, XIX century, Armenians within the Ottoman Empire began to emigrate to the United States through American merchants and missionaries, and in 1829 they began to organize armenians in Anatolia and even to commit acts of rebellion, as the Greeks did in 1829 and the Bulgarians in 1878.

After the signing of the trade agreement in 1830, Armenian merchants from Izmir and Istanbul opened offices especially in New York, Boston and Chicago.

In 1834, Armenian youth and singles who left Their families from Anatolia mostly started to go to New York for education.

In 1834, khachadur Osganian was the first student to come to America. It was Osganian who planned to establish a colony in Richmond called "New Ani" and name the streets of the city after the Armenian city and its heroes.

In 1840, missionaries sent Armenian students to the United States, usually for theology study. The most important missionary school in the United States was the Andover Theological Seminary in Massachusetts, where they placed Armenian students in American universities such as Yale, Princeton, Amherst and Clark. Armenian youth who completed their missionary training here were given educational opportunities such as engineering, medicine and dentistry.

1846, missionaries who came to California discovered a new place to form the Armenian community. They named this place "Fresno" in the ash trees. When the missionaries arrived in the San Joaquin valley, where Fresno is located, native Americans lived there, and the missionaries paved the way for the Armenians to build their homes and plant their first vineyards.

1847, How many of the 1879 passengers who died of the disease on the "Coffin ship" trip to New York were Armenians?

Chiristopher Der Seropian came to America in 1848, graduated from Yale University and later found the green ink used on the Dollar.

According to the November 10, 1904 issue of the Armenian newspaper Gotchnag, Armenian migration is divided into three periods: the 1848–1875 student period, the 1875–1896 trade period and the 1896–1904 labor period.

In 1854, the first aider to the Armenians in America was James Gordon Bennett, who traveled with Osganian in 1854. He went to Ohio and offered to create an Armenian community there.

In 1865, Hagop Isganian immigrated to the United States in 1865 and Samuel Donchian in 1884 to trade carpets.

In 1867, "Lucky Rupe" Minassian came to the United States in 1867 and lived among the Native American tribes, learned to farm from mormons, searched for gold and silver in Idaho, and was a cattle herder (Cowboy).

In 1867, the first Armenian to come to Worcester from Harput was Garo, who came to the house of Missionary George Knapp as a servant. Garo then realized that there was better earnings in the factories and started working in the wire factory in his hometown on a daily wage of 75 cents a week. Garo's letters to relatives and friends in Harput led to the armenian emigration to Worcester.

In 1870, the first immigrants to the East Coast of America were brothers Hagop and Garabed Seropian, the first to become Protestants in Merzifon. Younger brother Simon came to Worcester in the early 1870s with several returning missionaries.

In 1870, Jacob Seropian was one of the first Armenians to land in fresno, California.

In 1877, some Armenians went to America during the Ottoman-Russian War of 1877–78. Very few of those who left during this period have returned. After the Ottoman-Russian War of 1877–78, artisanal and merchant Armenians emigrated from the country due to the economic crisis of the country, and after the American civil war (1861–65), economic, social and political developments in America encouraged Armenians to emigrate to America.

In 1880, when the activities of American missionaries (church building, school and college opening, etc.) developed and spread, the exodus of Armenians increased from each city, especially Harput (40%) and generally singles (95%).

In 1881, Armenians built the Armenian Evangelical Martyrs Church in Massachusetts. (Armenian Evangelical Church of the Martyrs)

In 1882, Khatchadoor Donigian arrived on Ellis Island with his brother, two nephews, his wife Mary and five children. He's rich and he's got $10,000 on him. He bought a farm in Texas and settled there. His nephew Horn Donigian transported cattle to Kansas as a cowboy and later fought in Cuba, joining Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders.

In 1883, Hagop Seropian (1881), one of the first Armenians to come to California, invited relatives and friends in Merzifon to Fresno to grow "boat-sized watermelons, egg-sized grapes and eggplants weighing 9–10 kilos". This invitation was sufficient for 40 Merzifon Armenians to come to Fresno on October 10, 1883 and 20 Yozgat Armenians in November.

In 1885, armenians founded the first Armenian-American Vadookian School in New York.

In 1885, Bitlisli Vartanian and his brother Reverend Avedis Vartanian came and established the Armenian Library in Yettem. He also bought a large vineyard.

In 1886, Garabed Nishigian and his family, who fled the Ottoman police, came and became rich as the owners of a large plot of land.

In 1887, The First Immigrant From Arapkir, Sarkis Jihanshahian, and his brother became rich as vineyard owners and seamstresses.

In 1888, the first Armenian from Diyarbakir, Reverend Giragos Hovhannesian, maintained the religious and political relations of the community.

In 1888, armenians began publishing their first newspapers in Aregak (Sun) 1888 in Jersey City.

In 1889, the Armenians built the Armenian Euprate Evangelical Church in Rhode Island. (Armenian Euphrates Evangelical Church)

1892, Armenians build the First Armenian Church of Belmont in Massachusetts

In 1892, 30,000 Syrians, 10,000 Armenians and 200 Muslims immigrated to The United States.

In 1893, Armenians who committed a despicable crime also saw emigration as salvation. An Armenian named Agop came to Istanbul in Diyarbakir embezzling 39,950 liras and emigrated to America with his family after three years of dealing in zinc trade. Mr. Mavroyeni, also the Chief of Washington, reported that; Local authorities were appealed to the local authorities to apprehend Cidejian, who fled to New York by stealing 1,900 liras in Van Province. As some immigrants saw and learned about the money earned by those who went to America, they inevitably felt the desire to emigrate, and the desire to live in better conditions led to their emigration.

1896, Armenians build the Armenian Evangelical Church of New York

In 1896, the Armenian committees that painted Anatolia with blood spread their movements to all cities of Anatolia, rioted and carried out great massacres. The riots were launched in Van, Bitlis, Mus, Erzurum, Erzincan, Kars and many other cities. Later, western countries were raised because armenians were being slaughtered. The rebel ringleaders have fled to America.

1897, Armenians build the First Armenian Presbyterian Church in California

1898, Armenian Presbyterian Church in New Jersey

1899, according to the determination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, some of the people who received elderly support from Anatolia for the purpose of trading in Istanbul used the port of Istanbul to escape to America. It is understood that izmir port was also used for this purpose. Armenians living in Aleppo, Diyarbakir, Bitlis, Hakkari and Van provinces used Iskenderun Pier and Mersin port for escape purposes. When the controls were tightened at the piers, they boarded the ships from the beaches and from there they crossed to Cyprus and used Cyprus as a place to stay. In June 1899, the Messageries Maritimes Company ferry departed from the port of Iskenderun and took the Armenians who arrived in dinghies to Cyprus after opening 6 miles in Congo. Some Armenian merchants brought harput Armenians from Mersin to Marseille and Liverpool to escape to the United States. Harput was seen as the gateway to America for armenians. French mail ferries to Marseille also took armenians from the beaches of Beirut to Marseille by stopping at the port of Izmir. The Ottoman Empire had difficulty controlling the lebanese coast. Migrants were transported from Jounieh and Jubayl piers in Lebanon on European ferries to Marseille, Barcelona and Liverpool. Some Armenians used the road to Egypt and Bulgaria to travel to foreign countries. There are those who go directly from Egypt to america, as well as those who first stop in London and then cross the Atlantic Ocean. The most important accommodation is the port of Marseille. It was reported to Bab-ı Âli from the Chief City of Marseille that Samsunlu Coalcuyan had shipped the Armenians from the port of Samsun to america via Marseille. French ships trading hazelnuts from trabzon port took Armenians from Black Sea ports to Marseille. In Marseille, orangeyan provides contact. Armenians crossed from Marseille to various ports to go to America.

In 1899, the oldest newspaper published in the United States was Hairenik Weekly, which started its publication life in 1899 and appeared only in Armenian.

In 1900, holy trinity armenian apolostic church in Pennsylvania was built by Armenians.

In 1901, pilgrim Armenian Congregational Church Church in California was built by Armenians.

United Armenian Calvary Congretional Church Church in New York City in 1907 was built by Armenians.

In 1910, the Church of Saint Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church in California was built by Armenians.

In 1910, saint illuminator's Armenian Apolostic Cathedral was built by Armenians in New York.

Holy Trinity Armenian Apolostic Church Church in California was built by Armenians in 1914

Today, the Turkish Nation is tried to be condemned by pretending to be true without investigating the accuracy of the news written by all kinds of publications, small and large. Armenian organization in Anatolia was initially in the form of social associations, but was soon converted into armed organizations. The majority of the founders of the organizations were Armenians who were trained in the United States and were Russian nationals.

As can be seen from here and in the examples, Armenians emigrated to America and other countries for different reasons years before 1915. Thus, armenian diaspora was formed especially in the USA. It is completely false that they claimed that they had to leave anatolian lands during the 1915 DEPORTATION. The United States has not-so-innocent plans for the MEN living in the Ottoman Empire, and the CLOWNING OF ERMENİ DIASPORA. This CHARLATANISM, this CLOWNING continues today. By ending this series of articles here, when I find the time, I will present to you the Armenian migrations to other countries before 1915...


Kenan Mutlu Gürses


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