31 Aralık 2020

      TO THE ARMENIAN Diaspora JEWELERY; They persistently continue to ignore the deportations they have been subjected to throughout history, especially the genocides perpetrated by Byzantium, how they fled north whenever they faced difficulties against the Parthians-Sassanids, Seljuks, and Mongols, and every departure towards the Russian Tsarist by making Georgia and Crimea the gateway. They do not want to see the background of the deportation within the borders of the country they live in. Not content with verbalization, they also make intensive efforts in the international arena to regard the deportation as genocide, ignore what they lived and how they were used throughout history, and they do not see any harm in deceiving the nations of the world.

      My spelling VI. In the chapter I said, "I will try to share in my next articles which country and when the Armenians started to go, that this departure is not related to the events of 1915.

       As they claim, the Armenians did not migrate heavily after the 1915 deportation. Again, my article VI. As can be seen from the distribution of the Armenian population in the world, which I have given in the chapter, this cannot be explained with just one date. For some to understand, in this episode I will continue by looking at the Russian Armenian population, how and when the Armenians went to Russia and accordingly the history of RUSSIA and keeping in mind the following statements of the Armenian traveler Simeon, who was a good observer.

     Simeon; "From Moldavia to Istanbul and from all Rumelia to the city of Venice, there is not a single city, a single village and a farm where there are no Armenians everywhere. Here, we are scattered like dust on the earth because of our sins that have multiplied as much as the sea. " ([one])

      Because of these sins, they start their dispersal first with the Huns. Huns, who initiated the migration of tribes and dominated many tribes, during the period when they moved to Europe; "The progress of the Huns in the west direction was from the south of Lake Balkaş to the Sogdiana region, from there to the front of the Caucasus and to the lower channels of the Don-Itil (Volga) rivers. From here the Central Danube-centered Hun expansion covered the entire southern region of Ukraine, then the plain between Don-Itil, in the north to Saratov and Kubisev, and in the south the lower part of the Don River, the open grassy European steppes cut by the Itil and the Caucasus. "([2nd])

      If you say what it has to do; "During these processes, especially after the Sasanians attacked the Armenians, the Armenians sought help from the Huns." Although the results are long, this relationship suggests that the Huns also brought the Armenians with them as they went westward. That is to say, "The Huns, especially in the Attila period and in the 450s, did not intervene in them as they dealt with the western affairs more. But before Attila set out on the Gaul campaign in 451, perhaps thinking that the war in Gaul would pass in the Germanic way and that the cavalry group, which constituted the main superiority of the Huns, would not have much work, he sent his superior cavalry units to the Caucasus region upon the request of the Armenians; The cavalry he was able to take to Gaul was a small group of the Hun army and consisted of those accompanying the Germanic forces. " ([3])

Although the Armenians continue to lie to the nations of the world, they did not go to Russia only with the 1915 EXPRESSION and the nations of the world know very well; “The most extensive of the exiles witnessed by political history took place in Russia. The tendency to create a uniform society with the dimension of the Pan-Slavist policy followed in the Tsarist Russia period, which was transformed into Russification, brought along the exile of the nations believed to be an obstacle to the achievement of these goals. The number of people exiled by Russia; TATAR, ÇERKEZ, ABHAZ, ÇEÇEN, KAZAN, DAĞISTANLI and GÜRCÜ are approximately 2.500.000. Russian Cossacks (AND ARMENIANS) were settled in the lands of the exiled nations. Exiles were not limited to this period. 41 exile decisions were taken by the Russian government between 1920-1949 and these decisions were implemented. As in the period of Tsarist Russia, people of Russian origin were replaced by people of Russian origin who were exiled in the Soviet period and the ethnic structure in these lands was changed. The most prominent example of this policy is the north of the Black Sea and the west coast of the Caucasus. Another common feature of the exiles is that the majority of those who were exiled are Muslims. Especially those who were exiled during the Tsarist Russia period were all Muslims except Jews. " ([4])

           “When Russia-Rus is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is Slavs. However, in the Russian geography BC. VIII.-M.S. IX. When we look at the centuries, we see "CHIMMERS, ISKITS, SARMATS, ANTS, even ETRUSKS". We cannot ignore the role played by the Turks, the effects of AVAR, HAZAR, PEÇENEK and KUMAN, which manifested itself in the early days of Russian history, and especially the great importance of the Mongolian-Turkish domination on Russian history. Although Soviet historians tried to cover this up as much as possible, 3/5 of the territory of the Russian Empire (until 1917) constituted the former Turkish land, a significant part of the inhabitants were Turks and many of the families belonging to the Moscow Russian aristocratic class were "RUSHIZED" Mongol-Turks. Remember, we have to admit that the "Roles of the Turks" in Russian history is also great. Moscow - The political history of the Russian State is in the nature of the movement of Russia's spread to the Turkish provinces and shows that the Russians spread unceasingly with the abolition of the Kazan Khanate by Ivan the Terrible in 1552. The Turkish tribes and states were the ones who were the most disgruntled by this situation. In addition, it is known that the Slavs gradually began to confuse with the "TURANLI" elements and gradually lost their first racial characteristics "due to the area they occupied - because of their neighbors with the peoples of the Finnish and Turkish races. It has come to the present day after the calamity.

      After the establishment of the Gök Turk Khanate (AD 552), some of the Jujans (Avars) crossed the idil (Volga) river to Europe and by 568, Pannonia was the center, and they established a great Avar empire. It is known that the inhabited area with the Slavs was subject to the excellent Avars, the Avar commander Apsich, in 602, moved along the Dnestr to extort the Ant. Again, in the area where İdil and Kama rivers meet, VI. The contact between the Bulgarian Turks and the Eastern Slavs, who had established a state since the end of the century, started quite late due to the distance.

      The East Slavs were subjected to the influence and influence of a second Turkish tribe after the Avars suffered and withdrew from the Slavic field. This tribe was the Khazars. Khazar Khanate VII. It was the largest and only political organization of Eastern Europe until the end of the century. In order to understand with all the clarity how Russia came to the present day, the Turks, Slavs, Finns et al. We need to know. It is not enough; Bujan, Çirmiş, Chud, Dregovic, Drevlyan, Est, Jmud, Kriviç, Litav, Merya, Mesçer, Merya, Mordva, Muroma, Perm, Poloçan, Prus, Radimich, Severya, Sloven, Suom, Tiverts, Uglic, Ves, Vod, Vodiac, Volınyan, Vyatiç, Yatvyag and Zıryans ”and the Turkish domination that lasted for centuries should not be forgotten. ([5])


642 Arabs entered Diwin. 12,000 Armenians were killed, 35,000 Armenians were taken as prisoners to Arabia ([6])

643 Arab occupation of the Caucasus and Armenian immigration

907 The first Varangian Knezleri period

950 “The only state that organized Armenians best in history and today against the Turks, and even managed to tear the Turkish tribes away from each other geographically by placing them between the land under their rule and the Turkish lands, is Russia, which was founded about two centuries ago. What is meant by the Armenian Diaspora in Russia is the Armenians living in different regions within the present Russian Federation. It is known historically that the Armenians were active in commercial life in the Cult-i Kipchak, the Caucasus, the Kiev region and the Crimea. The migration and settlement dates of Armenians living within the borders of today's Russian Federation to this country start from the 10th century. Later, from the 18th century onwards, Russians were especially interested in education, interpreting, military, detention, etc., since they belonged to the same religion and concentrated in the Ottoman country. have used and supported in all human areas. This support not only resulted in the benefit of the Russians, but also led to two other things:

1. Present-day Armenia, which has always survived with the support of the Russians and even formed by their location and guidance.

2. The incident, which rebelled against Turks and ended with deportation, with the support and provocation of western countries, especially the Russians.

      As the French did in Kahramanmaraş and Gaziantep, Russia is clearly religious, commercial, etc. He supported the Armenians in all fields in line with their national policies against the Turks, and failed them when he was done. During the Soviet period, it was possible to see Armenians both in Armenia and in all republics of the Soviet Union. Armenians lived together peacefully with the Turkish peoples in all Turkic Republics and their communities, especially in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. When the Soviet Union collapsed, and began to approach the process of Turkey's separation of management Russian Turkish nation, the Turkish-Armenian hostility fueled the ashes again. Hundreds of thousands of well-educated, wealthy, art and business Armenians from Azerbaijan, especially Baku, left the country, most of them immigrated to Armenia, and some of them settled in the Russian Federation. " Today, Russia does not openly support Armenians in historical and contemporary Turkish-Armenian relations. This is the main reason Turkey is a Muslim of Turkish origin in tribes, including the Russian Federation and Russian and can support against the Russian administration is concerned. However, Russia did not stand idly by supporting Armenia in every way against Azerbaijan and continued its historical plans and actions as in the case of the occupation of Karabakh and Azerbaijani lands. Turkey's strategic direction rapprochement with Russia and strengthen its relations with Russia in all areas, and the support of the Armenian Diaspora Armenians in favor of Armenia and the Russian Federation will further decline. Although the occupation of the Azerbaijani lands by the Armenians with the help of the Russians seems to have resulted in temporary land acquisition and the victory of the Armenians, the Armenian-Azerbaijani friendship and alliance that took place in the last century has suffered greatly, and the Armenian presence in the Azerbaijani geography, especially in Baku and Sumgait, came to an end. On the other hand, there was no significant Azeri population in Armenia anyway. " ([7])

980-1015 Vladimir's Struggle with the Pechenegs

X-XI. YY. Armenian migration to Kiev Russia

XI. YY. Armenian merchants and travelers coming to Russia

XI. Important place of Armenians immigrated to Kiev Russia in trade

1060 The invasion of the southern Russian steppes by the Kipchaks (Komanians)

After the Seljuks conquered Ani in 1064, the immigration of a significant part of the Armenians to the South West and Crimea

1064 “It would not be right to attribute the reasons of these migrations only to the Seljuk raids. Armenians, trade etc. They migrated to the region where Kipchak Turks, some of whom adopted Orthodox Christianity, lived, through their cognates who had settled in Crimea before for reasons. In this and later periods, there was a significant amount of Armenian immigration to Crimea not only from the Ani region but also from the Eastern Black Sea region. There was such a large Armenian migration to Crimea that at that time the terms Armenia Magna or Armenica Maritima were used for Crimea. Khachikian; "Crimean Armenians" XVI.-XVII. YY. and that they speak Kipchak en masse ”. In the 13th century, immigrant Armenians were in close contact with the Kipchak Turks in Crimea; While preserving their religion, writings and many Armenian words and concepts, they adopted the Kipchak Turkish. Many manuscripts in Kipchak Turkish written in Armenian script remained from the Armenians here. Most of these manuscripts are documents such as religious works, sermons, prayers and decisions of the Armenian community. After the conquest of Crimea, a large mass of Armenians (especially from Kefe) who knew Turkish were brought to Istanbul by Fatih and settled. " ([8])

1113 The Crusader County of Urfa expropriated the Armenians and seized their land



18 August 1227 Death of Genghis Khan

1227 “When Genghis Khan died, he became ruling an empire from the Pacific Ocean to the Caspian Sea, four times bigger than the Empire of Alexander the Great and twice the Roman Empire. His sons and grandchildren, on the other hand, doubled the area of ​​this empire in the 1300s. Thus Genghis empire today's all China, South and North Korea, Tibet, Pakistan, Iran, the major part of Turkey, Georgia in the Caucasus, Armenia and Azerbaijan, while the location of the Russian Federation all, has spread to half the Ukraine and Poland. This area of ​​28 million km2 was one fifth of the land in the world. Half of the world known at that time was under Mongolian rule. " ([9])

1235-1238 The invasion of Russia by the Mongol-Turks

1236 Mongolian forces destroyed Ganja and capture Georgia and Tbilisi

1237 Batu Khan's forces destroyed the country of Idil Bulgarians, and then crossed the Idil River over the ice in December and came to the site of the Russian Chiefs.

1238 The northern part of Russia is completely taken over by Batu Khan

1239 - 1240 Capture of Pereyaslavl and Chernigov Principality by Mongols

1240 Capture of Kiyef by the Mongols

1236 or 1237 Golden Horde State establishment

1241 "Eastern sources" Chinese escape "I think fate must have predicted the murder of this bravest lion by foxes!" They interpreted as. "On the other hand, the Mongols succeeded in conquering Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, and they started to prepare for an attack on the Seljuk sultanate in Turkistan. The most successful victories of Ögedey time were won in the West. During the time of Genghis Khan, he divided his lands among his sons and gave the western lands to Cuci. For this reason, Ögedey brought Batu, the successor of Cuci, to the head of the troops in the west. However, since Batu's forces could not be enough for the invasion of the West alone, Ögedey ordered Batu's troops to join reinforcements from all other Mongol nations (including Armenians) and gave his son Göyük under his command with his soldiers. " ([10])

1242 Aleksandr Nevski swam to the floor of Batu Khan

1242 Batu's troops ravaged Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Serbia and Bulgaria. As the Mongol troops advanced as far as the Adriatic Sea, the footsteps of Genghis Khan's grandchildren's horses terrified the whole of Europe.

1248 Goyuk Khan died at the age of 42 (45 in some sources) as a result of alcohol and gout while he was preparing for an expedition to East Turkistan.

XIII. YY. Russia's relations with the southern region from the beginning, the settlement of Armenians in this region

XIII. YY. Establishment of Armenian neighborhoods in the southern regions in the middle, especially in Lvov

XIII. YY. Settlement of most of the Armenians living in Crimea to Yazlovia

XIII. YY. Armenians built the Saint Bogorodici Church, the Saint Grigor Monastery and the Balagoveshenyan clock tower in Yazlova.

1262-1289-1315-1320-1327 Russian Uprisings Against Mongols

XIV. YY. Armenian migration to Moscow

XIV. YY. Armenians getting permission to establish a church in Russia

XIV. YY. After the expulsion of the Mongols from Kiev, the privilege of the Armenians from the Principality of Latvia

XIV. With Moscow's gaining importance, Armenians went to Moscow along the Volga River to improve their commercial relations.

XIV. YY. Feodosiya, Crimea, Povoliye and Caucasian Armenians settled in Moscow and established trade houses

September 1, 1380, it was decided by Mamay Mirza that the Moscow Knezhi be put under force. Mamay Mirza mobilized with an army of Cumans, Circassians, Alan (Mourning), Burtan (Jews), Armenians and even Genoese from Crimea, as well as Mongols. Mamay Mirza also established relations with the ruler of Lithuania (and King of Poland) Yagayla and decided to meet him near the Don river.

1382 After Toktamış's army besieged Moscow for a few days, the Mongols entered the city. Moscow was plundered and burned throughout

1437 or 1438 Uluğ Muhammed Khan's establishment of the Kazan Khanate

July 7, 1445 Vasily Vasiliyevich captured the people of Kazan

XV. YY. Prince IV of Latvia. Kazmir increasing privileges of Armenians

1450 When Vasily the Great took over the situation, he gave the city of Gorodets, which was on the Oka river, and its surroundings to Jacob and Kasım. It appears that Yakub soon withdrew from the scene. The city of Gorodets soon became known as the "City of Kasimov" (Kasimov), and a new Khanate was established here. It played an important role in the growth and expansion of the border as well as in the proliferation of the Mongolian-Turkish element and Turkish influence among the Russians.

1475 Many Armenians brought from the Kefe taken by the Ottoman Army were settled in Salma, Tomruk and Edirnekapı.

XVI-XVII. YY. Settlement of Armenians in Volini-Luçk, Viladimir, Tismeniç, Gorodenk, Obertin, and Stanislav

1600 Iran Nor Cugi city Armenian merchants heading to Russia

1613-1917 Romanovs dynasty

1659 Armenian merchant Hodja Zakhar Sagradyan's meeting with the Tsar in Russia with diamonds and valuable gifts

1667 Hodja Zakhar Sagradyan signed an agreement with the Tsar of Russia to provide convenience to the Armenians

With the Agreement of 1667, Armenians engaged in trade in the Caucasus and Iran were allowed to gather in Astrakhan.

XVII. YY. Increasing weight of Armenians in the economic field in Russia

1677-1678 First Russian-Turkish War

1681 Bahçesaray peace

1689-1725 Petro's reign

1695 Petro I asked for convenience to Armenian merchants who controlled the silk trade with a letter he wrote to the Shah of Iran

1700 Russian-Turkish peace

1700-1721 Beginning of the Northern War

1708 Armenians begin to come to Petersburg

1708 Assignment of Armenians as translators by the Russian state in St. Petersburg

1711 Prut Campaign

Since 1715, the main actor of Russia's indispensable politics in the Caucasus and the Middle East has undoubtedly been the Armenians. Actually, Armenian policy became a part of Russian policy for the first time during the period of Peter I. 'Peter the Great in Wills' Turkey-Azerbaijan and to destroy Iran, including Georgia, occupying the entire Caucasus, using Armenians, there least be given piece of land for their procrastination, time at every stage in the history of Russia-time has been applied . Turkey and Azerbaijan (including the North-South) to break the included (Gulistan and Turkmenchay treaty as we save the fact has been the result of it), Crimea and keep Caucasian always occupied, to cooperate with Armenia has created their master plan. " ([11th])

Providing wide opportunities for Armenians to trade with Russia by the Decree of 22 March 1715.

1721 Declaration of the Empire in Russia

1722-1723 "Realizing that he could not reach from the Black Sea, Peter I. changed his route and concentrated on the Caucasus. His aim was to seize the Caspian coast and learn the state of the road that reached India. For this purpose, Peter I sent an expedition from Astrakhan to the areas of Derbend and Estaabad under the leadership of Alexander Bekovich Cherkasski since 1714. In 1722-1723 Russian and Turkish forces attacked Iran. Under the conditions of peace between Russia and Iran in St. Petersburg, the Iranian government had to leave the regions of Gilan, Mazenderan and Astrabad in the south of the Caspian Sea to Russia, except for Derbend and Baku. After I captured the Caspian coast, Peter I planned to decrease the Turkish population living there and increase the Christian population. He sent a letter to Matyushkin on this issue in May 1724 to move Armenians and other Christians to the Caspian shores and to expel Sunni Muslims from these cities. Therefore, Peter I caused the Muslim Turkish population to decrease in Baku and Derbend during these years. " ([12])

1722 “I. Petro wanted to establish an Armenian Kingdom on the west coast of the Caspian Sea, with the center of Baku in order to hold on to the Caucasus with the Caspian expedition. He tried to settle in the North Azerbaijan lands as far as the Turkish Yurdu. However, it was not successful in these goals at first. After a hundred years, the Russians were able to achieve these goals with the Turkmencay and Edirne agreements they made with Iran in 1828 and with the Ottoman Empire in 1829. In accordance with these treaties, an Armenian buffer zone was established with the center of Yerevan (Yerevan) consisting of Armenians displaced from the Ottoman and Iranian geography. However, Armenians remained a minority in this buffer zone, which was created until 1918. The fact that the Armenians became the majority in Armenia was made possible by the ethnic cleansing carried out against the Turks in the region in 1918-1920 and 1930-1946. " ([13])

1725 Death of Peter

The capture of the Kazakh Turks under Russian rule in 1734-1869

1 July 1736 Azov fortress was captured by the Russians

1738 Armenians opened Shusha Kuhani School

17 September 1746 Armenians were exempted from some taxes in Astrakhan.

1746 Kizlyar Castle, Iran, Turkey, was the meeting place of the Armenians from Astrakhan and Caucasus

1761-1762 III. Petroleum


1762-1796 “During the reign of Catherine the Great, Armenian-Russian relations witnessed a remarkable revival and expansion of Armenian communities in Russia.

1763 “Katerina recognized the Armenians in Russia and the Armenian bishopric as a separate religious community. He sent the Armenian community in Crimea to a new settlement on the banks of the Don River. A year later, the Armenians asked Archbishop Hovsep Arghutyan, the highest ranking clergyman in Russia, to build a town for the Armenian immigrants there. The settlement, known as Nor Nakhichevan, located in today's Rostov Na Donu, has become an important Armenian center with six churches, a theater and a school. " ([14])

1768-1772-1774-1791 Turkish-Russian wars

1774 II. Katerina's L.N. Granting Lazarev the title of nobleman

1774 Küçük Kaynarca peace

1778 Tsarist Russia invaded Crimea, and all Armenian and Greek families there deported to the steppes. They sent it to Azop and Ekaterinoslaf.

Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791.

1801-1825 1st time of Alexander

1801 The invasion of Eastern Georgia during the reign of Katerina

1804 Azerbaijan was occupied by Russia

Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812

Bucharest peace agreement concluded in 1812 between Russia and Turkey

1806-1813 Russian-Iranian war

1812 “All the influential Armenian leaders within the Russian Empire were from outside the Caucasus, with the exception of the Tiflis community; Astrakhan, New Nakhichevan, Moscow, St. Crimea, Ukraine and Poland, which are now between St. Petersburg and the now Russian regions. ” ([15])

1812 Napoleon's invasion of Russia

1814 - 1815 the annexation of Warsaw

1816 Russia systematically addressed the Armenian issue by establishing the Armenian Oriental Languages ​​Institute in Moscow.

1824 Armenians opened the Nersisyan School in Tbilisi

December 1, 1825 death of Alexander I


1826-1828 Persian and Turkish wars of Nicholas I (Eastern Question)

During the Turkish-Russian war of 1826-1828, the Russian army occupied the Yerevan Khanate and established the temporary Iravan administration.

After winning the wars with Iran in 1826-1828 Russia, he established the Armenian province by combining the Revan and Nakhcivan Khanates, which he obtained with the Treaty of Turkmenchay in 1828. He then enabled the Armenians in Iran to migrate here.

With the official inclusion in the 15th article of the 1828 "Turkmencay Treaty", a population exchange started along the Aras river. Eventually more than 30,000 Armenians returned to eastern Armenia; the majority was settled in the provinces of Russian Armenia, which were officially established in 1828 by the merger of Yerevan and Nakhichevan khanates. " ([16])

With the invasion of the Yerevan Khanate in 1828, 140,000 Armenians were forcibly immigrated from the Ottoman and Iranian territories of the Russians to the Iravan Khanate and neighboring lands in order to increase the Armenian population and create a buffer zone from the Armenians in the southern borders of Russia.

Turkish-Russian war of 1828-29

Armenians who betrayed the Sublime Porte in the Ottoman-Russian war of 1828-1829 were enlisted as soldiers to the Russian army, some of them helped Erzurum to surrender, and some of them tortured the Muslim people. ([17])

1828-1838 2511 Armenian families migrated to Nakhichevan territory

18 November 1829 Tsar Nicholas I accepted the offer by General Graf Paskyevich to settle the Armenians who fought against the Ottoman Empire in Georgia.

With the Treaty of Edirne in 1829, Anapa, Poti, Ahıska and Ahılkelek were left to the Russians. Most of the Armenians in the region where Armenians live immigrated to Russia. From Iran, 40,000, 90,000 Armenians emigrated from Turkey, Gyumri, were placed in Akhaltsikhe and Ahilkelek region.

The Polish Question of 1830/31

April 3, 1831 14,044 households from Eastern Anatolia were displaced by the Russians to various regions of the Armenian Caucasus. 380,000 silver rubles left the tsarist treasury for their settlement

1832 Armenians opened Yerevan Regional School

1832-1859 Sheikh Shamil (Independence war of the North Caucasian people against the Russians. Sheikh Shamil movement)

1830 “The situation of the Armenians in the Ottoman, Persian and Russian empires was different from the others. While some of them live in the historical homelands within the borders of these three empires; There were also those who lived in completely different places, in the big cities of the same empire. Therefore, Tbilisi, New Nakhichevan, Astrakhan, Izmir, Istanbul, Isfahan, Tabriz, Baku, Moscow and St. There were large and important Armenian communities in cities such as St. Petersburg. " ([18])

1830 "The fate of Armenia was intertwined with Russia with unbreakable ties. Since 1830, about 30,000 Armenians left northern Iran and settled in Russia. " ([19])

1833 Hünkar Pier Treaty

1836 The Russian Tsar officially recognized the Armenian Gregorian sect

1837 Armenians open the Yerevan Central School

1839 Russians immigrated Russians named Malakan to the Caucasus

1842-1849 Faculty of Armenian Language and Literature opened at Kazan and Petersburg Universities

1846 Armenians started to publish Kovkas Newspaper in Tbilisi, Caucasus.

April 14, 1848 Armenian writer Khachadur Apovyan was exiled to Siberia by the Tsarist rule

1851 Armenians started to publish Ararat Newspaper in Tbilisi, Caucasus.

The capture of the Turkestan Khanates by the Russians in 1853-1885

1855-1881 II. Alexander time

1863 Armenian Yusis (North), Araks literature and art magazines published in Russia

1863 Polish nationalists' assassination

1876 ​​The annexation of the Hokand Khanate to Russia

30 September 1878 The migration of 10-15 thousand Armenians from the villages in the Eleskirt plain to Yerevan

1881-1894 III. Alexander time

The closure of the Mesak newspaper as a result of the Russian pressure of 1884, the deportation of many Armenians to Siberia ([20])

1890 "Krisdapor Mikaelyann and his friends formed the Union of Armenian Revolutionary Societies (Dashnaksutyun Committee) in the Caucasus." Russian Armenians played a major role in the establishment of these committees, so the fate of the Ottoman Armenians passed into the hands of a handful of Russian Armenians.

The migration of thirty thousand Armenians to Russia on March 14, 1899 ([22])

1905 Russian Revolution

1894-1917 II. Nikola's reign

1914-1917 Russian-Turkish war

November 3, 1914 "Russia is the second area of ​​interest, Turkey's eastern provinces were in. The Russians prevented any economic activity of the Turks in Erzurum and the surrounding provinces, and did not allow the construction of railways and factories, based on capitulation privileges. On the other hand, Russian trade goods were imported in large quantities; Russian textiles, sugar and many other items held the market of our eastern provinces. At the same time, the Russian government, provoking the Armenians against Turkey continues to rise Rushdie failed and was causing confusion. On January 6 (February 8) 1914, under Russian pressure, the Porte had to recognize that the right to protect and protect Armenians in the Eastern provinces belongs only to Russia; this led to an increase in Russian intrigue among Armenians. The Russians intended to annex the regions of Erzurum, Trabzon and Van to Russia and thus dominate all Anatolia. While this case boil the First World War broke out and began shortly after the war between Russia and Turkey (November 3, 1914). " ([23])

1918 Armenia, the province of Tsarist Russia, declared its independence

1920 Bolsheviks occupied Armenia

1950 Armenian Migration to Russia

Armenians who left the country after the 1988 earthquake immigrated to Russia ([24])

      There are 1,980,000 Armenians living in Russia. Although the population of Armenia is given as 2,961,532, in my opinion, a part of the largest Armenian population lives in Russia as an illegal. For this reason, the declared Armenian population in Armenia is less than the current living and announced population, while the declared Armenian population in Russia is very high. While looking at the historical facts, it should not be forgotten that there was no such state as Russia at the time when the Turkish Nation conquered Anatolia, and the United States of America, which was seeking to dominate the world and patronizing Armenians like Russia, was not yet established when Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror took Istanbul.

      The Armenian Diaspora has carried its groundless claims and lies so far that I cannot help but say that what they have done is JUMBY, in the slightest expression. While this LIE was made in 1915, the Armenian population was "1.234.671" according to the "Official Statistics of the Ottoman Empire in 1914" in the territory of the Ottoman Empire. ) claims. Foreign, domestic, and even many Armenian historians or other interested persons have documented the falsity of this claim. So much so that "In an Armenian geography published in Paris in 1933, the total Armenian population in five continents was shown as 2.547.633." ([26])

      If the genocide is to destroy a racist in general terms, in the 1915 DISCUSSION, according to the inconsistent claims of the Armenians, if they were completely destroyed by the CALLED GENOCIDE; ?

      Russia-Armenian Diaspora represents one of the strongest branches of the Armenian Diaspora, which continues to LIE and SUBSCRIBE with all their might. As we have seen in the historical flow, today, “Armenians have come to be represented in almost all areas of Russian social life. Almost half of the Armenians scattered in almost all cities of Russia live in the southern regions of the country (Krasnodar, Stavropol and Rostov). The number of Armenian population in Moscow alone exceeds 100,000. In addition, the representatives and cultural centers of the Russian Armenian Union are actively operating in 65 of Russia's 85 federal units and in 642 cities. The Armenian community in Russia has been very successfully integrated into the Russian society in general. As a matter of fact, Armenians, who occupy important positions in various fields in Russia, have a very privileged position. " "For example; Sergey Lavrov, who has been the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia since 2004, is a politician of Armenian origin. However, Lavrov has only made a statement about his origin so far. Meeting with the students of the Russian-Armenian University on February 17, 2005, Lavrov asked a question about her origin; He replied, "Clean Armenian blood flows in my veins." [27]

     I do not know that how can I explain the LIES of the Armenian Diaspora, how its slanders have turned into SHAKABILITY?






(4) Asst. Assoc. Dr. Süleyman ERKAN-Ethnic Exiles in Tsarist Russia and Soviet Union Periods


(6) Halil İbrahim Yıldırım- Chronology of the Armenian Events According to Published Information and Documents

(9-10) Prof. Dr. Muallâ Satellite Yücel-MOGOLLAR HISTORY

(11-13) Bashir Mustafayev- Armenianized North Azerbaijan Turkish Lands


(14-15-1618-19) George A. Bournoutian-Armenian History

(17) Kemal Beydilli "Armenians who migrated from Eastern Anatolia to Russia in the 1828-1829 Ottoman-Russian War"

(20-21) Dr. Recep Karacakaya-Armenian Issue-Chronology and Bibliography

(22) Assoc. Dr. Selim Hilmi ÖZKAN-Armenian Migration from the Ottoman Empire to Iran and Its Results (1878 - 1915)

(24) Hatem Jabbarlı- Armenian Studies and


(26) -ulusal-broadcast.pdf

(27) Mokhmad Akhiyadov-Armenian Lobby and Media Force in Russia


Kenan Mutlu Gurses

Cem Cüneyd Canan

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