31 Ağustos 2020



What they lived with; Arabs, Plots, Avarlar, Byzantines, Caspians, Attiler, Huns, Hurri, Hayaqans, Isamass, Karamanians, Catalons, Koptics, Koptic Turks, Kimmers, Lezgiler, Medler, Mitanni, Oguzlar, Uzbeks, Parts, Persians, Romans, Saklar, Sahurlar, Seljuks, Suvarlar, Tatromes, Tatars, Tastes, Turks, Udines, Urartular, what consequences will cause for future Armenian generations?

As I stated when I began my article titled "ERMENİ DIALOGUE AND CLOWNS", "The never-ending LIES of the Armenians of the Diaspora, the slanders, the imperialist forces that support them, and the statesmen who act under their guidance... I will try to draw your attention to some claims by looking at theology, theology and mythology, the depth of history, even with the lines, to explain the reasons for which armenians are thrown into different parts of the world, which country they live in, what number they live in, the reasons for migration to those countries as far as the pen returns." Let's see what the mythological world of faith of the Armenians is like!

For centuries, a society that has been undecided about where to live with whom has been a victim of executive LIES that mislead them. Of course, there is no nation in history that has not suffered. Like the so-called Armenian state rulers, it has been rare for the state rulers to cheat their own people throughout history. In the fashion of my day, the despicable lies that I use for the Armenians of DiASPORA, all based on historical sources, the expression of THE ARMENIANs I used in the content of the writing, should not be brought to mind, no matter which nation they live and live in, armenian elements that do not participate in these LIES, which are not used as tongs should be kept separate. Regardless of religion and origin, it is necessary to be human to respect the world of faith. Therefore, it should be well known that I do not accuse every Armenian member of fraud and clowning.

Armenians who are trying to contain the claims of connecting the present generation of people to Noah's children do not want to see the existence of Adam, the long time that Noah lived after the deluge. The pagan era, like the other nation, is the same as the armenians experienced before Christianity. Starting from the mythological period, the idolatry of nations, the god/goddesses of the peoples, the god/goddess, the god/ilahe, the idols they worship after all, are almost similar. Starting with the Sumers, religious beliefs have resulted in the impact of each other in line with different relations, despite the commitment of the state, people and nations to their own understandings.

For example, i'm going to

      "The Greeks, a primitive people, have developed their civil and cultural establishments on the territory of today's Turkey by taking them from contemporary Front Asian tribes and Egyptians. Among the great civilizations of ancient times, the closest and most munis civilization to today's Western civilization is Egyptian civilization. Egyptian civilization is the cultural basis of Western civilization in the field of religion, philosophy and sciences. On the other hand, large principles of religion and the majority of the plinths that constitute the basis of Judaism and Christianity came from Egypt. Moses brought them to the prophet. Moses was a disciple of the Egyptian hierophantes. He knew their wisdom."

"Egypt is the grandfather of Western civilization. From the rulers who lived in the periods before Socrates to the new Magenta judges, the greeks went to Egypt to learn not only religion and philosophy, but also other sciences."

"Civil and cultural relations between ancient Egyptians and ancient Front Asian tribes are a separate issue. The truth is, but the truth is. The Egyptians took a lot from the ancient front Asian tribes, but they gave them little. Because many of the tribes living in Pre-Asia have attached to the Egyptians in terms of civilization. Sumers Hittites are of these tribes. The original mythology stories, which are also found in the archaeological artifacts found on the territory of Today's Turkish, are present in the mythology and cultural lives of the pre-Asian peoples."

"The first place where these beliefs and superstitions appear is the Sumerian country. Superstitions crossed from Egypt to Greece. These superstitions brought a phoenician colony. The Greeks were flying people. They liked amazing stories. So they willingly accepted the beliefs that the Phoenicians brought from Egypt. Herodotos writes: "... Before these foreigners came to Greece, the Greeks slaughtered victims on many gods. But they wouldn't give any of these gods one or the other name. Because the Greeks didn't know the names of these gods. They used to say god in general, and they would come out. They learned the names of these gods when the names of the gods were brought from Egypt."

"The Greeks also accepted the flaws of the very godly cults. They filled the heavens and the earth and hell with gods: they made the souls of the land of Hell, the land of Tartaros, to the people, the cattle, the plants, the water springs, the stars. They took advantage of poetry to decorate these mythological discoveries. The sun was apollo, which fascinated you, drove his astonishing car, buried his fire every evening in the waves of the ocean." The Romans reproduced the superstitions of the Greeks. They spread all over the place. They have gathered all the gods in all the country." ([1])

This reflection is carried from Moses to Judaism. In short, sumerian civilization and the world of faith, which began in the Euphrates-Tigris basin before 4000 BC, are reflected in the spiritual world of all nations. The formations, which we call state, nation or people, have expressed the names they use in god pantheons with their own understanding of their language. It will be understood when the table below is carefully examined, which nation, which god/god, where they carry it, which faith is influenced by other faiths. This was the Armenians who really escaped, falsified their history, as well as in the worlds of faith. Ani (Kemah) was ignored and ANI (Kars) was created, which they declared pantheons to gods/goddesses during the mythological period. I've mentioned other areas before.

Together with the LIES they establish on the worlds of faith, they are in the blunder of leaving an unfounded history, which they call Armenia, not only those where armenians live, and deceive themselves, and speak to their future generations with LIES. They are advocating for another LIE, denying that they are one of the peoples involved with turani and aryanlı tribes in their existence.

What they lived with; Arabs, Plots, Avarlar, Byzantines, Caspians, Attiler, Huns, Hurri, Hayaqans, Isamass, Karamanians, Catalons, Kıpçaklar, Kıpçak Turks, Kimmers, Lezgiler, Medler, Mitannilar, Oguzlar, Uzbeks, Parts, Persians, Romans, Saklar, Sahurlar, Seljuks, Suvarlar, Tatromes, Tatars, Tastes, Turks, Udines, Urartular, what consequences will have consequences for future Armenian generations?

I have written before the Lies of armenians becoming the first Christian state, the unfounded ness of these allegations. (See "Hundreds of Years of Armenian LIES" (I)(II) 30.5.2019-

Another of the lies in question is the word that the AKDAMAR Church was built by the Armenians. AKDAMAR CHURCH Is the temple of THE HIRISIAN KIPÇAK TURKS built on Akdamar Island between 915-921. Again, every claim by the Armenians that all the churches in Anatolia and the Caucasus belong to them is false. These churches are Christian Churches, especially made by different nations during the Roman/Byzantine period. Here, armenians also lied and called the churches they owned an Armenian church. Historians, geographers and especially art historians believe that one day I will see this, as they will demonstrate how armenians lie through their research together.

As far as we know, no nation has destroyed except the Armenians when the TAPINAKS made in the pagan period passed to the heavenly religions. Armenians are not the only Christians in the geography being discussed. There are other nations that are Christians in every region where armenians live. We do not deny the existence of places where Armenians live with other societies. We know that he does not accept the lies of any world nation and its history, which only lacks this term to call them ERMENISAN to every region they live in.

Although the arrival of Armenians to Anatolia and their dissolution does not conform to mythology in terms of time, I used the phrase "mythology" based on the expressions used in the sources. I leave it to your appreciation how armenians lie since then. I want to believe that you will come to a conclusion below by evaluating which nation worships which god/goddess.

"According to mythological stories, khaos is the oldest of the gods. Khaos is a god with no beginning, and all other gods are eternal, immortal. But there are beginnings. Khaos has no beginning, but there is an end. Khaos will be ruined with hilkat.

Khaos; Atlas, Akhéron (Gayya), Grim Reaper, Ceres, Centimanes, Coelus, Cybèle (Cybela), Cyclopse, Destin, Discorde, Eants, Epimétheus, Furies, Gaia, Geants, Hekatonkheir, Hestia, Hercules (Herakles), Janus, Japet, Juno, Jupiter (Zeus), Kybele (Rhea), Minerva (Athena), Mercurius (Hermes), Neptunisia (Poseidon), Nuit, Nympehs, Ocean (Okeanos), Pandora, Plut (Hades), Pluto, Prométheus, Saturne (Kronos), Songes, Tellus, Tethys, Titan, Titéa, Uranos, Vesta, Vulcain, Vénus," vd. The life stories of these gods/gods are also known!

 "For example, if you're going to Zeus's nine ilahes are nine, and their names are:

1. Hera; Hera's children: (I). Ares (II). Hebe (III). Îlithie (Iv). Hephaistos

2. Metis; Born in Metis: (I). Pallas Athena.

3. Themis; Children from Themis: (I). Heures. Horai (Horalar) (II). Mories. Moirai (Moiralar)

Children of the Hora: (I). Eunomia (II). Ike

Children from moira: (I). Klotho (Ii). Lakhesis (III). Atropos

4. Leto; Children from Lcto: (I). Apollon (II). Artemis.

5. Maia; Maia's child: (I). Hermes

6. Menemosyne; Their children from Mnemosyne: (I). Euterpe (iii). Thalia

(New Year). Melpomene (v). Terpsichore, (vi). Erato, (vii). Polymnia, (vıi). Urania, (Ix). Kalliope

7. Dione; His child from Dione: (I). Aphrodite.

8. Demeter; His child from Demeter: (I). Persephone.

9. Eurynome; His child from Eurynome: (I). Kharites.

Children from kharites: (I). Euphrosync, (Ii). Thalia, (III). Aglae

The women zeus or Jupiter are twelve. Their names are:

1. Alkmene; His child from Alkmene: (I). Heracles

2. Semélé; His child from Semélé: (I). Dionysos.

3. Io; Io's child: (I). Epaphos

4. Laodamia; His child from Laodamia: (I). Sarpedon.

5. Elektra; His child from Elektra: (I). Dardanos.

6. Europe; Children from Europe: (I). Minos, (II). Rhadamante

7. Leda; Children from Leda: (I). Hélène, (Ii). Klytemnestra, (II). Dioscuros

Children from dioscuros: (I). Kastor, (Ii). Pollu

8. Egina; Egina's child: (I). Plaid

9. Pasture; Son from Pasture: (I). Lokros

10. Kallisto; The child from Kallisto: (I). Arkas.

11. Antiope; Children with antiopeskin: (I). Zethos

12. Danaé; His child from Danaé: (I). Perseus

Krohos (kybele with the god of time) is the son of. The name Zeus is Sanskrit de Diaus. It is turkish (giant). Latin is "dies". Zeus or Dies lyrics mean skylight, light in the sky, Zeus Pater, Zeus Piter, Dies Piter, Jupiter. H E R A or J U N O; Kronos and Cybele are his daughter. A R E S or MARS; Ares or Mars is the son of the divine Zeus (Jupiter) and ilahe Kybele. Deimons (Fuga) are phobos (Timoz) children. He falls in love with Aphrodite( Venus). The cult of the Ares (Mars) god has spread from Thrace. HÉBÉ or J O U V E N C E; She is the daughter of Zeus (Jupiter) and Hera (Juno). It is the saline of olympos gods. Herakles became the wife of fame. Î L Î T H Y Î E; It's one of the oldest countries. She was later accepted in the same way as Hera and Artemis. H E P H A Î S T O S or V U L C A Î N; His father is Zeus (Jupiter) and his mother Is Hera (Juno). She married Aphrodite. The satelions of Hephaistos (Vulcain) are underground. M E T I S; He is the daughter of Thetys and Ilahe Thetys. It is the wife of Zeus (Jupiter). A T H E N A or M Î N E E R V A; Athena Pallas (Minerva) is the daughter of divine Zeus (Jupiter) and ilahe Metis. T H E M I S or J U S T I T I A; Themis or Justitia is the daughter of Uranos and Gaia-Tellus. Zeus (Jupiter) is a man after Hera. From this conve, the Horas and moira are born. H O R A ' L A R (HORaî) M O I R A ' L A R (M O I R A Î); They are the daughters of Divine Zeus (Jupiter) and Themis (Justitia). D I K E; She's Zeus' daughter. E U N O M Î A; She's Zeus' daughter. E I R E N E; She's Zeus' daughter. T H A L L O- NIGHT-C A R P O-L E T O or L E T O N E; Coeus, Uranos and Gaia (The daughter of Phebe, the daughter of God, is the wife of Zeus (Jupiter). Apollon and Artemis (Diana) are the mother. Apollon and Artemis (Diana) were born in Delos. A P O L L O N; He is the son of Zeus (Jupiter) and Leto. It's the sun. It's a proclamation of medicine. Escülape (Lokman Hekim) is the father of the den. It has built the city of Trova. R T E M I S or DIANA; Apollon and twin brothers. It is the mabude of the people before the Greeks. MAIA; She is the daughter of I l â h Atlas and ilahe Pleion. Nymphe is the Fairy. He was in a state of disservice with Zeus (Jupiter). It is the mother of Hermes (Mercure). H E R M E S or M E R C U R E; MNEMOSYNE; It's a memory of it. It's zeus' mix. Muses are the mother of muses( muses). MUSE; (Muses) are daughters of Divine Zeus and ilahe Mnemosyne. First there was Muse, then their numbers tripled. Their names are: Melete, Mneme, Aoide. They have spread from Eastern Thrace. They are the fairies of water resources." ([2] )

"The Etymological Structure of Maserte (Mardin Omerli) has gained meaning in many languages. The Pagan period, one of the armenians' pre-Christian beliefs, is the same as before the monotheistic beliefs of all Indo-European ari-breeds, worshipped the mother goddess Ma (An-Anahit) during the Pagan period and drank wine, danced, worshipped in seven colorful clothes of the sun. Armenian also means Ma goddess, but the word Serte (uipini) is of Persian origin and means Wine Cube. For this reason, the word Maserte means the place where the mother goddess's wine production and cubes are located in Armenian. Another assumption about Maserte is that ma (Goddess Anahit)(Uluuhhin) means country. Here, the serte, cerie, kert (ljtpUl) attachments attached to the word Ma were used for settlements built in Armenian." ( [3] )


Shaash, Sin, Istar, Naram-Sin


Assyrian, Ishtar, Marduk, Nin-Urta, Sin, Shaaş. ( [4] )


Anu, Ansar, Apsu, Damninka, Fa, Enlil, Istar, Kingu, Kisar, Marduk, Mummu, Nintu, Sini, Shaash, Tiamat. [5]  )


ARAMLILAR: Baal Samayim. MATTES: Atar, Incera,Vedd, Nekruli,Şems. (Istar in Babylon) (Nekrulı/Nekruh; Makrû in Babylon). HADRAMAYTLIS:Sin,Ho1, Şems (Sin in Babylon). KATABANLILAR: Ashtar, Amm, Anbay, Şe s. SEBALILAR: Ashtar, Harimtu, Havbas, Almâku-hû, Ta'lab, Şems. NEBATLILAR ((Tedmurlular):Zu'ş-Shera, Menat, Kays. PALMS: Arso, Azizo, Aglibolus, Agliböl, Divide, Bel, Beltis, Belhammoı, Baal Shamin, Al-Lât, El-Menat, Maane, Malakbel, Maleebelus, M a n n o, Nemesis, Uzza, Yarhiböl. GASSANILER : Uzza.

HIMYERLıLER: al-Uzza. İJAZZREGION(MECCA):Hübel, Şa'rayi Yemâni, al-Uzza, Menaf, Menat, Ipure, Naile. YESRIB (MEDİNE) :Suva, Vedd, Yağus, Yauk, Nesr, Urnyanis, Sa'd, ed-Devsi, Hubel, Ipure andNaile. ( [6] )

(Another source)


Aim, Amile, Cihâr Cüzâm, Fels, Gatafân, Hevâzin, Hubel, Isaac, Kudâa, Lahm, Lât, Menaf, Menât, Nâile, Nesr, Noahm, Rudâ, Sa'd, Süayr, Süvâ, Ukaysir, Uzzâ, Ved, Yegüs, Yeûk, Zülhalesa, Zülkeyn, Zülken, Zâât, Zâât, Zââ. ( [7] )


Agni, Aiditi, Brahma, Durga, Ghana, Ganga, Garuda, Indra, Kali, Krishna, Lakshimi, Radha, Ratri, Sarasvati, Shiva, Usas, Varuna, Cherry. ( [8]  )

Brahma, Buddha, Durga, Ghanaa, Ganga, Hanuman, Kali, Krishna, Lakshimi, Nandi, Parvati, Rama, Sarasvati, Shiva, Cherry. ( [9]  )

Aditi, Aryaman, Bhaga, Indra, Mitra, Nasa, Pusan, Savitri, Surya, Varuna, Cherry. ( [10]  )


Aditi, Agni, Amşa, Apas, Ardhanari, Aryaman, Ashvin, Baladeva, Bhaga, Bhavani, Brahma, Brihaspati, Çanda, Daksha, Dasra, Devi, Dhatri, Durga, Dyaus, Dyauspitar, Ganasha, Gauri, Hiranyakasipu, Ka, Kali, Krishna, Laksmi, Lord Matra, Mirut, Mirut, Nakshatra, Nandi, Nasatya, Parcanya, Parvati, Pracapati, Prithivi, Prthivimatar, Pushan, Rama, Rudra, Sakra, Skanda, Savitri, Soma, Surya, Shiva, Tvashtr, Ushas, Uma, Varuna, Vayu, Vedik, Vishu, Vishnu, Visharman, Vivvat, ( [11]  )


Alalu, Anu, Teşup, Tasmishu, Kumarbi, Aranzah, Ashtapi, EA, İzzummi (Uşmu), Damkina, Istar-Smackga, Ninatta-Kulitta, EREŞ.KI.GAL, Hannahanna, Gulsha, MAH and NIN. TU, Telipinu, Hepat, Hapantaliia, Hedammu, İlluianka, Inara, Hupashia, Impaluri, LAMA , Kamruşepa, Kasku, Kuababa, EN. Lil, Dagan, Impaluri, Ullikummi, Mukişanu, Ninatta, Kulitta, Shadga, Shadga Tashup's sister. He has the same duties as Baal's sister, Anat-Ashtarte, in the kenan myth. Takitiş, Hepat, Tasmishu, Telipinu, Arinna, Sharruma, Upelluri. ( [12]  )


Aesma Daeva, Agas, Ahura Mazda, Ahurani, Aka Manah, Allatum, Ameretat, Amesha Spentalar, Anahita, Angra Mainyu, Apam-natat, Apaosa, Arishtat, Armaiti, Asha Vahista, Asman, Asto Vidatu, Atar, Baga, Bahram, Burijas, Bushyasta, Buyasta, Daena, Daevalar, Dahhak, Dena, Dev, Drug, Drvaspa, Fravashis, Ganwawaus, Gesan-Gesan Geus-Urvan, Haoma, Haurvalat, Hvar, Havrekhshaeta, Indar, Indra, Izha, Khshathra Vairya, Mah, Mao, Mithra, Nairyosangha, Nanghaithya, Neriosang, Peris, Rapithwin, Rashnu, Saurva, Spenta Mainyu, Sraosa, Srosh, Vanant, Vata, Verethragna, Vohu Manah, Vouruskasha, Yazata, Zam, Zam,Armatay, Zarich, Zurvan. ([13]  )


Aha, Aken, Aker, Amathaunta, Amheh, Amsu, Ammam, Amn, Amon, Anat, Ancti, Andjety, Anhur, Anit, Aniu, Anget, Anouke, Anti, Anukis, Arensnhisup, Ace, Anubis, Anuket, Apis Element, Apuat, Ba-neb-tettet, Bastett, Bastet, Bastet, Bastt, Bastet, Bastt, Bastet, Bastet, Bastet, Bastet, Bastt, Bastet, Bastt, Bastet, Bastet, Bastet, Bastet, Bastet, Bastet, Bastet, Bastet, Basu, Aniu, Anget, Anouke, Anti, Anukis, Arensnhisup, Ace, Anubis, Anuket, Apis Element, Apuat, Ba-neb-ttett, bastettt, bastettt, bastettt, bastettt, bastettt, bastettt, bastettt, bastetttt, basttttt, basttttt, bastetttt, basttttt, baste Bat, Bes, Bukhis, Buto, Cherti, Dedun, Geb, Ha, Harsafes, Hauhet, Hedetet, Heka, Hemsut, Henet, Hesa, Hike, Hons, Hu, Huh Hapi, Hathor, Heb, Heket, Hetep, Hnum, Iat, Ihu, Ihy, Inpu, Ipet, Iptet, Johhot, Johhot, Johhot, Johhot, Johhot, Johhot, Kemur, Ken, Kebechet, Kuk, Khepera, Khnum, Lenpw, Maat, Maahes, Mandulis, Mefetseger, Menhit, Meret, Mihos, Mafdet, Mentu, Min, Mut, Neb-unnut, Nef, Neper, Nepit, Nepri, Nit, Nefertem, Neftis, Neith, Nute, Ote, Nut shsh, Onuris, Qadesh, Osiris- Isis- Horus, Pahet, Ptah, Ra, Renenet, Renpet, Reret, Sa, Seker, Sekhmet, Selkit, Seshet, Seth, Shu, Sobek, Tefnut, Temu, Toth, Tueris, Tutu, Forget, Uneg, Unti, Uto, Useret, Wadj-wer-wer , Wepawet, Wosyet. ( [14]  )


Abeona, Abundantia, Aequitas, Alemonia, Anna Peranna, Antevorte, Appiades, Apollo, Aurora, Bakkhos, Ceres, Cronus, Concordia, Diana, Iuno, Janus, Jupiter, Mars, Mercurius, Minerva, Neptunisia, Pax, Pluton, Rhea, Saturnus, Venus, Vestaus, Vulcancan. ( [15]  )


Anu, Anunnaki, Aruru, Apsu, Dumuzi, Ea, Enlil, Enki, Ereşkigal, Emeş, Enten, Eridu, Girru, Likel, Gudea, Haya, İgigi, Iskur, In-Susinak, Inanna, Istar, Irgal, Kadi, Kingu, Lahmu, Lahamu, Lamassu, Lugalzaggisi, Mummu, Namtar, Nanna, Nanşe, Nidaba, Nergal, Nikkal, Ninmah, Nisaba, Nina, Nanmu, Ningirsu, Ninurta, Nusku, Ninhursag, Ningishzida, Sin, Sa, Shaaş, Shedu, Tiamat, Utu, Urash, Uruka, Zugina, Zaka, Zaka, Zaen. ( [16]  )


Daibog, Kostroma, Kupala, Maslenitsa, Mokos, Perun, Rod, Simargl, Stribog, Svarog, Volos, Yarilo. ( [17]  )


Airaini, Arni, Arubani, Babania, Ebani, Haldi, Hara, Hutuini, Inuanau, Suinina, Shalardi, Shivini, Teişba, Tuşpuepa. ( [18]  )

Adaruta, Alaptini, Anapsha, Arsimela, Atbini, Dieduaini, Elipri, Haldi, Hutuini, Iririni, Ilu, Quera, Nalaini, Sebuti, Shielardi, Shivini, Tarraini, Teişba, Turani, Ua. ( [19]  )

All Armenian LIES, which began from mythological periods, continue today. "Despite the intensive efforts of late Antiquities writers, much of the Armenian mito and religion are still UNKNOWN OR EXPLAINED DUE TO THE ABSENCE OF COMPREHENSIVE WRITTEN INFORMATION FROM THE OURSELVES OF ANTARCTICA AND THE INSUFFICIENTNESS OF ARCHEOLOGICAL RECORDS. With this expression, every thing the Armenians say, every claim, is revealed so that it is FALSE...

 (Will Continue)

Kenan Mutlu Gurses


[1] CAHİT LIKÇ, Anatolian Mythology



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