07 Haziran 2020

 The never-ending lies of the Diaspora Armenians, the slanders, the imperialist forces that support them, the imperialist forces that are in the way of their support, and the statesmen who act under their guidance. I will try to explain that armenians have been thrown to different parts of the world, which country they live in, what number they live in, the reasons for migration to those countries, but as far as my pen returns, i will try to draw your attention to some claims by looking at theology, theology and mythology in the depth of history, even with the beginning of the line.

For example, i'm going to Despite all religious and scientific information of Jews, Christians and Armenians, noah's claims that his ship landed on Mount Ararat do not incompatible with reality, and unfortunately some Turks and Muslims are pursuing this unfounded claim. The word Ararat (Tekvîn 8/4), which was misinterpreted by those who translated the word "Rrt" by those who translated the Holy Prophet (8/4) was misinterpreted (Dorme, p.24) and amountain as the place where Noah's ship landed. [1]

According to the Qur'an, Noah's ark landed on Mount CÛDÎ after the deluge. "And it was said that you are not going to be able to do this. O earth, and the earth, and the sky and the rain and water were absorbed, and the work was done and it was done and it sat down and the ship and distance were called to the people who persecuted, as stated to the people who were persecuted. [2]

"And the water retreated. The job was done. The ship sat on Cudi and shouted: 'Let the wrong-doers do not return." [3]

It's another; "After the Flood of Noah, it is known that the human generation, in addition to those who claim to be only continuing through the three sons of Noah, were included in the means of other people on board. With the view that the human generation continues with three sons, some contemporary researchers believe that human lineage continues through other believers who are taken on board, taking into account the (third verse of the Isrâs). It is also stated that the rumors that people come only from the generation of the three sons of Noah are based on the Torah and that this view is not true. Furthermore, some researchers also pointed out that it would be wrong to keep the human generation in habitation of the believers on Noah's ark, arguing that the deluge is regional, not global, that is, it does not affect the entire earth." This aspect of the subject is avoided by geography, geology and geomorphology, as well as archaeological research and science. [4]

"Moses Khorenatsi, when talking about noah's sons, the children of Yafet (Yafes) are now. This is also the most accepted genealogy of Armenians today: Yafet, then Gamer, then Tiras, then Torgom, then Hayk, then Arameneak, then Aramayis, then Amasya, then Moni, then Harmay, then Aram, then Beautiful/Handsome Ara."

What about the other grandchildren? Bird, Mizraim, Fut and Kenan, Arpakşat, Biblical Elam, Assyrian, Madai's, Lud, Ziezi, Canaan, Yavan, Put, Magog, Yavan, Gomer, Tubal, Mas, Madai, Misraim, Turkish descendants?

Noah's Deluge, the ship's landing on Mount Ararat after the Deluge, the life of Hazrat Noah's children and grandchildren, especially Hayk's life, the armenians do not conform to the legend of Mount Ararat, the fact of Mount Cudi is ignored.

Oh, my God, i'm not going to "According to sources; At the end of his struggle for freedom with The Assyrian/ Babylonian god Bel, he did not give in to him, he collapsed around Mount Ararat and settled in the OVA. He left all his people to the administration of his grandson Gatmos and stayed with his family in a plateau in the north-west." That's why today, armenians call themselves "Hay" in the region they claim to be "Hay". [5]

Shouldn't mesopotamia, Babylon, Ninova and Mount Ararat be evaluated in conjunction with Middle Eastern Mythology with Hayk, an important figure for Armenians, in 2540 BC (or 2350 BC) ?

In short, "Studies on Armenians produce different conclusions, making it difficult to understand the issue and to be called "the truth". Therefore, the interest of "Armenia", a historical or geographical term, and the "Hayk" lineage associated with the Armenian today have not yet been proven. This raises what the "Hayk" or "Armenian" lineage is. The majority of Armenians in Anatolia do not speak any other language than Turkish, and are similar to the Turks in terms of their customs and customs; 'It is connected to the influence of the Turkish Hars, as well as being turkish descendants and Christianized Turks." [6]


Revan, I've written (Yerevan) in part before. It is necessary to ask the Armenians who claim to have existed throughout history in Anatolia, the Caucasus; "Afos, Agafirs, Agorites, Aheys, Fields, Amarants, Antlar, Arimaspahs, Avarlar, Avrunlar, Avsgahs, Buddhism, Dadas, Dandarins, Didoyets, Gargars, Gargareyas, Geniohs, Hellenans, Helons, Hetts, Hiants, Hinkakular, Huns, Twins, Iskhar, Iskler, Issidones, Caucasians, Karastes, Kerkets, Kimmer, Kimr Chonites, Kolhlar, Kolhahlar, Arms, Corakas, Laz, Legler, Manrals, Massagets, Melanhlens, Meotlar, Moshlar, Nasklar, Nevrler, Ortitler, P voices, Saxophones, Saxophones, Wrappers, Savromats, Sirakiler, Sindler, Soans, Taregetler, Tavrlar, Tindars, Tohars, Torets, Tuballar, Uzlar Where have other Peoples like", Zigler and Zincler? How did they disappear?

Why did they include these Peoples in "homer, herodotus, aiskilos, euripides, hippocrates, platoon, polybius, strabon, cicero, plutarkhos, tacitus etc.? It should also be noted that "the information in these antiquities is repeated in Byzantine sources". [7]

(Will Continue)

[1] Hikmet Tanyu, Religious Encyclopedia of Islam 

[2] Abdulbaki Gölpınarlı, Qur'an Meali

[3] Bulent Pakman, The Beginning of the Turks

[4] Ibrahim Kutluay, Journal of Religious Sciences Academic Research Volume, 15-s, 1

[5] Mehmet Yilmaz, A Mythological Assessment about the Question of "Who is armenian"

[6] Abdurrahman Küçük, "Armenian Issue" and Thoughts on the Armenian Church

[7] Kamil Veli Nerimanoğlu, Caucasian Historical, Cultural, Etno Social, Politological Research

[8] Kenan Mutlu Gürses, Armenian Diaspora and Clowns (I)


Kenan Mutlu Gürses

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