08 Haziran 2019

May 30, 2019


      104 years ago, not Armenian LIE centuries-old try to figure out the HISTORY of birthday cake, ... First of all the Jews, is part of imperialism, which had looked out the window to Christianity they are Nations, how did we get to this point, let's look at the contradictions which ...

      For people of religion religious preferences, to convey what I mean is that we need to know the history of religions and indisputable. This requirement, since the oldest known society a society devoid of religious belief, together with the fact that since the dawn of history between religion and State have a relationship that leads to us.

      Islam religion in honor, obedience, don't pull, penalty-reward account, submission, aczini, surrender, worship is not. The Holy Quran, both ULÛHİYYET and UBUDİYYETİ the relationship between the two sides, expressing the law regulating, Naga and describe as the road.

      The concept of religion in other religions, in General; Worship God, fear, AWE, faith, God, God's law, judgments, orders, people increasingly depend on the path of Allah, God, attacked positivism and against other people's homework; Comply with the Christian faith and discipline ni phrased in the form of.

      Zoroastrianism, Taoism, Shintoism, Shizm, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Baha'i faith, Mecusilik, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and disambiguation pages; the concept of religion every religious culture were selected to express the path to common meanings of words, faith, menstruation, connective, servitude. In short, people holding in his hand the spiritual and material need values that control the destiny of kudret (God) have been considered.

      As a social being human, he believes the orders and prohibitions of religion, religious suggested he wanted to put forward their behavior within society. This depends on the State of human society and the request to all fragmented, it is believed that the majority of people in society, religion and political power relations that govern society.

      Matter how RELIGIOUS issues have applied to the LIE of the Armenians, ARMENIAN CENTURIES-to clarify HIS LIES, I'd like to start of Judaism and Christianity.

      Judaism; Bible resources, selected partners and only in terms of the concepts of salvation, Christianity, God, religious law, with emphasis on the revelation of faith for Islam in terms of practice stay close, stating to pre-Christian Roman and with in Judaism.

      332 Bc after the revelation, after suffering in the Palestinian-controlled territories of Alexander the great over the Persians, Greek domination of, 322-164 years Bc, Ptolemy, Seleucus Kingdoms of  managed, Egypt, The Greek-speaking Jews of Antioch and the EI think of the Aegean basin, Nin Sâmirî of temples, Hellenıstıc against the policies of the leader the membership of the armed resistance Makkabi Haşmonay dynasty management, then a semi-independent status. What happened in the ' 70s, Bc 143-63 period.

      Haşmonay time, Helenleştirme İdumiler and İturilerin Sadûkîlik and reversed, Essenîlik Judaization, Ferîsîlik force, three large Jewish communities with the name out of the circuit.     

      Seleucid Kingdom in succession and Haşmonay with Rome, over the Kingdom of Judah in 63 BC, putting an end to 40 BC, the Roman administration and Kingdom of Judah by Herod and the Roman rule of Judah also directly connect 4 Bc. Religious Jews have taken control of their management of intervention of Rome, A.d. 66 to come out of this tension in upper level, with the start of the bloody insurgency has continued the process of printing.

      Despite the support of the Kingdom of Adiabene A.d. 70 Jerusalem conquered by the Romans siege and mâbedi a.d. 73-74 at the scene of the Jews, to the point of being deleted. For half a century, then again most people, rebellion (a.d. 115-117 Egypt community) Jews, Jerusalem was removed from the name of the PALESTINIAN region, M.S. 132-135 (PALAESTİNA) as amended.

      III-VII. centuries of Judaism has been the circuit Rabbani. During this period, a small Jewish sect that emerged in the form of official State religion of the Roman Empire, Christianity and Judaism have become competitors. IV. management of the Christian Roman Jews living under the pressure of the 21st century, V century starting from congregation synagogue sovereignties but with assets around the structure.

      During this period, Palestinian Judaism, while Bâbil Judaism has soared. This Ascension, in the Arabian peninsula and Iraq, ranging from Front Asia, founded the Islamic State for Muslims of the IBERIAN Airportistanbul under the direction of, the Prophet of Islam in the media, and tolerated deals, Rashidun, Umayyad and Abbasî have continued during the period. The Arabian peninsula, Yemen, Syria, Egypt, Khyber, Vâdilkurâ, Palestine, Iraq and the region, switch between controlling the Jews of Muslims such as Andalusia religious and socio-cultural perspective to the Organization and development.

      During the Roman period, the region of the Jews driven from Jerusalem Hz. Ömer by conquest 637 Ad, then slaughter by the Crusaders 1099 A.d. visit, then, this time the conquest the area of region Selâhaddin-1187 A.d., Qalawun also are able to return. The Jews of Muslims at the beginning of their brightest period under the direction of "the GOLDEN AGE of JEWISH", based in Baghdad, as well as of the era of Omayyad ANDALUSIA Abbasî administration of the Ottoman Empire and Egypt-based Fatimid caliphate first, the returning champion.

      To overflow search for periods beyond the point we left to one side, relate to the Christian Byzantine and European management of the Jews, according to Muslim-Jewish relations have been turbulent and stressful. Father of the Church, where they're holding Jews responsible for the death of Jesus Christ "God KILLER". The Jews of the Holy land they lost, Christian Roman rule of Christian-Jewish tension has the top spot. So much so that, despite having seen the tolerance in the management of the Christian Roman Pagan Roman administration's late period (III. Yy) citizenship rights because they have deprived, your enthusiasm as well as religious life social location and Christians crossroads may expose a set of restrictions that will last throughout the Byzantine period.

      Believed that the effects of the Christian movement of Jews, that their activity IX. After the Suppression of Christianity in the 21st century, and he is forced to move, some escaped, Sung adopted Turkish Caspian resorted Into Judaism.

      In the Medieval European Jews continued asylum adventure, also. European Jews, forced to change their religion, apparently they pass to Christianity, JUDAISM, Jewish identities could bring out the persistence of CRYPTO-.

      In the Ottoman period and shown next to tolerance, and Poland (spin) Sabbateanism, Rabbânîlik (Science Centers), Hasidîlik (Yisrael ben Eliezer) and Jacob Frank movement, After the death of the Muslim, Or Sevi 'kubîler, Kashyap and The emergence, Kapancıların Baruhya Russo Frankizm's start in Eastern Europe the teachings of gb, all this despite improvements 1648 Kmielnitzki massacre resulted in frustration of the Jews Messianic expectation, again.

      Be a conformist and a front-facing religious Judaism Torah study Rabbani instead stepped up their religious fervor and religious personality elements, giving individuals, did daily activities with poor and uneducated Jews ascribe embracing, popular and equitable has revealed a concept. In regions where they reside, may expose you for years despite their pressure, the Congregation of their countries, in line with the guidance of the basic religious Jewish Shariah matters are common perspectives in the United.

      However, XVIII. century enlightenment thought of integrating their Christian societies in parallel and with the aim of modernization of the Jewish enlightenment movement, XIX. the process of political and social emancipation in our time, they are countries, national IDs, giving concessions have begun to obtain equal citizenship. This distortion, Judaism religious-ethnic axes, the radicalization, the Ortodoks and sekülerleşmesi (Zionism). This result, antisemitism (of anti-Semitism). France (Dreyfus), Germany (Nazi) Administration's concerted with Italy not in ancient history, the HOLOCAUST seems like yesterday (1933-1945) took place in the years, living, the State of Israel in 1948 resulted in the organization.  

      Here today, sitting in the belly of imperialism, in the Christian world throughout history is overwhelming, '' the insult, no runs, in line with the interests of uses, is currently using, using the tongs, its belief that broken display, In the hands of imperialist Christianity car ride, an EVANGELISM tool of myrl is unaware of what happened to Israel today, in front of us.

      Back to Paganism of Rome and Christianity to; The great majority is looking at all of the Pagan period is from the East, inhabited by Pagan period of the West either never saw or turn a blind eye, "Jesus died, started Christianity", let's leave the evaluation of the world of faith.

      Jesus starts with the Emperor Nero (a.d. 54-68) and A.d. 313 Licinius in with 1. Constantine's edict of Milan, during which time they posted to the Jews, the Christians, the Roman administration, by systematic persecution, prosecution and an all-out repression suffered by the general direction of a table are drawn, controversial aspects of the historians and theologians to the point below, leaving the future, let us continue to take the lead.

  Let us also examine the Roman Paganism, the oppression of the surrounding nations, especially the Christians. Let us remind that those who will do this study should be started from the period of Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletian (20 November 284 to 1 May 305). A.D. Let's not forget that 301 remained in this period of time.

      Christians, the Roman Empire's oppression and tyranny that their exposure is not limited to only the first three asırla of the faith, Roman/Pagan superstition in the form of Christian or Rights created this sense of (more than two) dikotomik two thousand years later Christians-Others/Jesus enemies/demons or, in some cases Christians-Muslims converted to the shape of the kibosh yaşatıldığının throughout history.

      The Roman Empire at the time he started, Pagan, Constantine Flavius Valerius Aurelius, Augustus A.d. February 27 272 (Niche) – May 22, A.d. 337 (İzmit), Christian name, Paganism and Christianity equal to optimized is we don't want to miss. Flavius Theodosius I in A.d. 11 January 347 (İzmit) – January 17, 395 A.d. (Milano), A.d. 379 to 395 from the Roman Empire, reuniting the Eastern and western portions of the Empire, combining Eastern and Western Rome manages together after death, Let's remember that split the Empire forever. At the time of the Empire is the only powerful religious Christianity, Pagan Rome, Christian owner should note that the pointer changes to Rome as well. 

      Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus and Flavius Galerius Valerius Licinianus Licinius, in ad 263 (Moesia) – A.d. 325 (Thessaloniki), came together in A.d. 313 also can be evicted Anyone denied the right "to worship" edict of Milan ", with" ad they have again. This sentence for Constantine Flavius Valerius Aurelius after Augustus, the only judge of the Empire in 324 A.d. when some decisions and the Foundation of the Christian Church were laid, allegedly, of Nicaea was also really start the process We don't want to miss.  

This Konsiller;  

1. the Council of Nicaea (325)

1. Council of Constantinople (İstanbul) 381

1. Council of Ephesus (431)

Council of Chalcedon (Kadıköy) (451)

2. Council of Constantinople (İstanbul) (553)

3. Council of Constantinople (İstanbul) (680-681)

2. the Council of Nicaea (787)

4. Council of Constantinople (İstanbul) (869-870)

1. Rohanthompson Council (1123)

2. Rohanthompson Council (1139)

3. Rohanthompson Council (1179)

4. Council of Rohanthompson (1215)

1. Council of Lyon (1245)

2. the Council of Lyon (1274)

Council of Vienna (1311-1312)

Council of Constans (1414-1418)

Ballet-Council of Ferrare (1431)

Council of Florence (1442)

5. Council of Rohanthompson (1512-1517)

Trente Council (1545-1563)

1. the Vatican Council (1869-1870)

2. the Vatican Council (1962-1965)  

       Other churches are also specified above and countless other Divinity, Jesus, Savior for years, consisted of the same substance with God gb topics discussion first, Christianity, Paganism equal, then accepted the religion of the Empire, the Emperor The only representative on Earth of God. Thus the only religious and political authority of the Emperor, was the capital of the Empire, Constantinople (İSTANBUL).

      The debate about Christianity in the Eastern Roman Empire was never ending, after the death of Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus had to deal with last, II. Constantinus (Flavius Claudius Constantinus) period and Flavius Claudius Iulianus (Julianus) (a.d. 330-363 A.d.), by interest in Christianity, Empire, It has Paganism again. Flavius Theodosius (Theodosius I) A.d. 347-395 A.d., during the reign of religious conversion was completed and was destroyed by the Pagan temples. Also in this period, Flavius Theodosius, 1. Konsilin de Constantinople (A.d. 381), Patriarch of Constantinople, 389 years the Bishop in Rome and the POPE has given the title of  the Bishop. Russian-born Serbian Byzantologist, Georgiy Alexandrovich Ostrogorsky's "Roman State style, Greek culture and Christian faith are the main source of Byzantine development. One of these elements removed, it is unthinkable that the presence of Byzantium "Pact of sake. 

      Posted on July 25, 306, Gaius Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus, starting with the conquest of İstanbul by Fatih Sultan Mehmet on May 29, 1453 de XI with. Constantine Palaiologos Dragas 106 until Eastern Roman Empire directed by the Emperor, in particular religious ways has been very turbulent events scene. This turmoil reigned different beliefs, sometimes has the belief that Nations Turani origin TENGRİ Hittites, Sumerians, including Rome, wants to build the structures facing the resistance continued, and all together with continued Let's not forget that ...

(to be cotinued)





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