31 Ocak 2019



Mrs. Gabel-Luddy,

2018 posted in that unfortunate fire felâketinin you are faced with its threat-filled days, the pain, I'm sorry I couldn't share your anxiety

Opening your eyes to the world in Los Angeles starting at life line, you receive training in public schools, El Sereno and Giasseli Park community in growth, Occidental College graduate of the University of Massachusetts, with landscape architecture award The master, thus deceiving the workspace, my information about the start of.

You live in Burbank with a partner for 20 years, today he is Chairman of the city before the start of the Presidency, "I have a passion for public service and we work diligently to big city citizens waiting for sabırsızla years of" expression to work with your I think you put forth your lover. at the end of 1800 years Foundation, INDIAN and SPANISH heritage of your city to the present day, his presidency to town on your contributions and your duty is not to be underestimated so important and I believe that continue with success.

Mrs. Gabel-Luddy,

11,000 km. away from these lines I write from. A conversation that you have made in the last few days as I want to share with you my opinions and suggestions.

As far as I saw from the press; 10 January 2019 Burbank ONLY Board members, Silva Kechichian, Siti Aisah Anette Kargodorian and Jarchafjian have been seeing with ACF's representative. There are spoken about meeting, demanded the contents of the topics, we know with a short title. The agenda of the meeting concerned the issues of, Armenians move requests, we learn from the same channel again.

In Addition, ANCA, Silva Kechichian; "Our focus is first of all ARMENIANS and the Armenian WORKIN' OUT HER ISSUES even though we encourage all Burbank residents can promote in any way and we can help. We want to see more civic engagement to this city, "he says. Armenian National Committee of America "one of the area's ARMENIAN community Burbank social, economic, cultural and political rights and public participation and public policy levels increased civilian support" speech.

At the beginning of the speech, "City Council, 16 April 2019 ' so-called" Genocide Recognition, "Declaration on the steps of the Town Hall and then will offer a GUARD", at the end of the conversation "always in creative and contribute to the ARMENIANS, Burbank It has been a community and genocide, and it is very important to recognize the flexibility of rights "...

What a City Mayor we reserve the right to intervene is not whether to save the. But the subject is full of LIES, away from SO-CALLED ARMENIAN GENOCIDE ARMENIAN claim and make you stand there at first and why is "VERY IMPORTANT", can you tell me with documentation! Afterwards, HE PLAYED in the LAND through a nation that BETRAYED what the country inhabited by immigrants, you will think what they can do!

First of all, you will get to you, as well as with a representative of the three ONLY, "the SO-CALLED Armenian genocide" was made to the alleged Anatolian children, step by step, to make findings, assessments, Turkey would like to invite you to. This can also participate in the U.S. Embassy Officers in your visit. Laura Kargodorian and particularly Jarchafjian's Kechichian, Annette Silva having to extremely happy because I just wanted to let you know.

It strongly that, Turks and Armenians lives intertwined. Turks and Armenians lived in history events for taboo. The Armenians living in the UNITED STATES only part of HISTORICAL FACTS is the world's largest MISLEAD depravity by dividing people by referencing the LIE and mankind as "DİASPORA ARMENIAN" themselves. Perverted YALANLARIYLA Turks, Armenians, "the SO-CALLED genocide" claim to apply sındadırlar. And YOUR LIES in question deliberately.

The source of this claim-related LIE, I will present you some U.S. resources information. Especially you, former u.s. President Ronald Reagan Adviser BRUCE FEİN's years in previous statements, the investigation of the White House 1981, documented by the United States that the Armenian allegations unfounded, I'm going to remind you ...

BRUCE FEIN; "The Ottoman Empire to minorities must not forget the fact that a great care. Minorities, their religious freedom and their lives in a very relaxed way.

The Armenian terrorist GANGS during World War I, France and Russia, along with the Ottomans killed. This figure is around TWO MILLION. (AS A MATTER OF FACT THREE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND) FIVE HUNDRED thousand Armenian losses is the research proves it. Here is what matters, the ARMENIANS İHANETİDİR. Ottoman also defended himself. Especially the Armenians living in the United States, makes a big RETURN with GENOCIDE LIE. The U.S. Administration against the Armenians to be back great to receive the COINS. Armenians insisted not open their archives. Returning with genocide LIE for years because they don't want to lose my return. Archives when the truth is coming out, "he says.

      Mrs. Gabel-Luddy,

You, the United States and January 2019 February 2009 days of drive and that I want to remind you who they are, your interlocutor. Although ten years ago although I don't know whether continuing lawlessness.

"Citizens for responsibility and Ethics in Washington" (CREW), the Armenian National Committee of America, at the Organization's (ONLY) for the opening of the U.S. Justice Department about the Federal investigation is referenced? As a local lobby group is not aware of? The question again, CREW President Melanie Sloan, description of unlawful lobbying activities only from how they perform, your knowledge is about? ONLY non-radical, such as the Armenian Assembly of America (AAA), is registered to the system do you think m, right? ONLY the "Daşnaksütyun" of the party evokes the nested links what you?

For the first time with this line I wrote, simply as a citizen of the world, interested in distance events and you requested you to stop, only the "ALLEGED Armenian genocide" NA, Armenian diaspora ARMENIAN suggest not common to HIS LIES, digits, AS PENANCE for YOUR SINS. Without a doubt, out of this, especially in the community, including Armenians, you can do any activity. That's not me, it was that no one had to intervene as it should not be too.

I beg the events include the principles of impartiality, and assessing the LIE is that you do not curling. You might've missed conviction will bring the issue with openness and trust, the Armenian issue, Armenian and how it started, some u.s. sources, the idea that you will enjoy the short titles, I offer your information below. If you provide an answer, the Ottoman Empire and the American Evangelists and other documents about the privacy of your information.

"The SO-CALLED Armenian genocide" as the event's true colors, size, if I'm not going to summarize with own resources of the Armenians;

1645-1669 was created, taking place next to the Ottoman Armenians, Venetians, opponents hope to get caught up in their independence,

1670 li In Austria, Poland, Venice and Russia take part in the frontline against the Ottomans, with,

1677-1680 years of the Ottomans contrasted fueled Hagob Juğayetsi's attempts,

XVII. Dear guests with XVIII. Israel Ori in Christmas in Russia of Peter I to the anti-Ottoman plans, from Iran

1722-1730 for the Armenian rebellion of uninterrupted progress,

Russo-Turkish Treaty Dated 1724 brought conditions,

1724 since then-President of INDIA, the region's contribution to the Armenians,

1751 in England and Russia received the sides which the Armenians of reasons,

1770-1772 years of the India cooperation continues, how to

1796 by II. Katerina's help,

how the Armenians had taken under pressure of Russia 1804-1828 Years,

1812 Foreign Missionaries established American Panel, for

why they came to Anatolia by American Missionaries in 1820,

1828-1840 years of Russia's 12 years what happened to the Armenians, why just the eyes,

1840 Year Russia during and after the migration, the continuing great to Armenian

in 1869 the purposes for which it was set up, "Hayriye Partnership"

Since 1870, the Armenian immigration started in America,

in 1872 he established the cause of the "Union for Liberation",

1874 "Patriotic Bureau" of why the establishment,

What did the Armenians in the Ottoman-Russian War, 1877-1878

in 1878 "black cross" Organization, why the establishment,

in 1878 "you're defensive in Vatan" Organization, why the establishment,

1880, attended Armenian terrorists since the immigration process, to work in America,

1881 "the Patriotic Union" of why the establishment,

in 1885 "Armenakan organization of why the establishment,

in 1885 Why the establishment of Ramgavar Azatakan,

in 1887, the "Hınçakyan" Organization, why the establishment,

in 1895 Dashnaktsutyun "organization was founded, all of these organisations have been established why is why their GUERRILLA movements,

After 1895, the Armenian population increasing in America,

the Armenian rebellion against the Ottomans in the gathering of 1894-1896 Years,

Despite all this, Russia tie up to the big powers, and especially the Armenians hope the question whether the cause of the Ottoman Empire between their development in WORLD Milletlerinin revealed that the population statistics and Ottoman Empire TEHCİRİNİN the application which have to 1915 "GENOCIDE" is not to better understand myself.

in 1919 in the United States, "American Committee for the independence of Armenia" Organization, with the goal of the Organization to the ARMENIAN TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS of the US why all the action is selected as the execution point, especially Henry Morgenthau has knowledge of Although the events ÇARPITARAK to evaluate how HISTORY is the lie.

The following documents, in the hopes that your people will enlighten You, good luck with your work life Burbank with more, your thoughts, I believe the decision to share the opinion and you. I wish you a nice Bill Luddy and successful year.


Yours sincerely,

Kenan Mutlu Gürses 


-23 August 1895, The New York Times, "Bab-ı Al-I ' Yıkmaya Certified",

-November 2, 1895, The New York Times, Armenian rapes, though, don't,

-December 15, 1895, The New York Times, For bombs and weapons, Zeitun

-December 21, 1895, The New York Times, A Massacre in Zeitun,

-September 24, 1896, The New York Times, Cyrus Hamlin's Şahitliği,

-1 August 1904, The Washington Post, "the Turkish Garrison, Armenian Rebels Were newly constructed dugouts"

-August 10, 1914, The Washington Post, Armenian Rebels went on the offensive,

-November 5, 1914, The New York Times, the Russians Began the invasion of Armenia,

-November 7, 1914, The New York Times, is fighting with the Turks, the Armenians

-November 13, 1914, The New York Times, In a riot with their weapons, the Turkish Armenians

-November 13, 1914, The Washington Post, Joined the Russians, Armenians

-January 8, 1915, The New York Times, they came to war from America,

-May 6, 1915, Konya, American Hospital, Mr. Dodd's message,

-May 16, 1915, U.S. Consul of the American Mission school in Adana, Mersin E.J. Nathan Message,

-25 May 1915, an Associated Press Correspondent Gerorge Schreiner's report,

-7 June 1915, the American Consul E.J. Nathan's message,

-June 19, 1915, to Henry Morgenthau American Consul Message Baghdad,

-July 10, 1915, the American Consul, Henry Morgenthau to Message,

-July 15, 1915, to Henry Morgenthau American Bible House, Mr. Peet, Signed letter,

-26 July 1915, USA the Message to Henry Morgenthau Nathan Mersin Consul,

-August 5, 1915, to Henry Morgenthau from İzmir Consul Horton, USA

-August 8, 1915, to Henry Morgenthau Message from U.S. Consul of Trabzon Heizer

-August 22, 1915, The Washington Post, Van Province the Armenians, 600-year-old İstibdada,

-September 25, 1915, to Henry Morgenthau Report from U.S. Consul of Trabzon Heizer,

September 29, 1915, The New York Times, Katliamların Is completely made up Comments,

September 29, 1915, The New York Times, Bernstorf Now says, the Armenians Their Errors,

-October 9, 1915, The New York Times, why are we helping Armenians,

-November 16, 1915, Kayseri Mission School Md. letter to Henry Morgenthau, from Wingate

-June 21, 1916, USA California Congress meetings,

-October 18, 1916, The New York Times, Turks Know Armenian İdarecilerine Betrayed,

-March 4, 1919, journalist Stephen Bonsal of the guest book,

-March 28, 1921, U.S. Representative Admiral Bristol Charity President D.D. to Barton's letter

-November 12, 1924, The New Republic, from the pen of John Dewey Thomas Tragedy,



-Seth Savage Moon, The Genocide of Truth Continues but facts Tell the ResalStory,

-Huffingtonpost-June, 2009

-Artak Movsisyan, Armenia's History,

-Prof. Dr. Haluk Selvi, Armenian genocide Historiography and Propaganda

- Kenan Mutlu Gürses




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